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Applied Ecology

The Green Future Srl provides services of applied ecology to assess the quality status of surface water bodies through specific indexes related to:
- Fluvial Functionality Index (IFF)
- Level of pollution expressed by Macrodescriptors (LIM) determined by the contributions of the main pollutants of anthropogenic
- Biological state through the Extended Biotic Index (EBI) that expresses the human impact on animal communities of watercourses
- Ecological Status of Rivers (SECA)
- State Environmental of Rivers (SACA), which is obtained by comparing the data on the ecological status with those related to the presence of chemical micro-pollutants;
- Ecological Status of Lakes (SEL), which expresses the trophic status of the basin.


The legislation, and the needs of the market, impose more and more environmentally friendly production protocols. To answer this we can:
- Define the value of natural habitats through a detailed Ecological Analysis and application of the Index of naturalness of the Habitats ;
- Calculate the emissions avoided in the life time from solar parks, wind farms and  biomass plants and calculate the energy potential of ecosystems
- Estimate the pressure exerted by industrial activities on environmental matrices;
- Design semi-natural ecosystems capable of filtering the pollution emissions;
- Seek solutions for energy recovery from biomass.


We also perform:

- Product analysis

- Analysis of soil

- Analysis anemometric

- Analysis with infrared camera