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Renewables Energies

One of the main objectives of the Green Future is promote the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Over the years we have gained know-how in projects development and construction of renewable energy plants. We have an international network of partners, collaborators and investors that allows us to operate in Europe, Africa and South America. Our fields of activity are:

- Photovoltaic
- Solar Thermal
- Solar Thermodynamic
- Wind and Mini wind
- Biomass and Biogas


We are specially engaged in the development of Off Grid Systems and in the search for solutions for energy efficiency.


The development aims at the realization of renewable energy projects on behalf of investors, banks and investment funds, as well as private, through:
  - Search for suitable sites
  - Permission to connect to the Local Area Network
  - Preliminary, Final and Executive design
  - Permissions for the execution of the works
  - Relations with Local Agencies and Companies
  - Foundation of the Company of purpose


Our procedures follow strict schemes aimed at the bankability and the functionality of the project.


 We provide consulting services for investors interested in investing in constructible projects or in facilities established through:
- Scouting of projects or installations made in accordance with the parameters required by investors
- Due Diligence (technical, administrative) necessary to analyze the feasibility of the project
- SWOT analysis in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project
- Business plan, to estimate the profitability and obtaining bank financing
- Assistance in the negotiation of the SPA (Share Purchase Agreement


Through agreements with leading companies in the manufacture of components and materials we provide innovative products and selected to achieve maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness in relation to the individual case. Our Products:
- Photovoltaic Systems for their own consumption and/or combined with storage systems
- High-efficiency solar thermal systems for heating and cooling
- Innovative storage systems
- Inverter
- Structures of fixing
- Wind turbines with horizontal axis and vertical
- LED lighting
- Thermal insulation systems
- Remote control systems and energy efficiency


Construction and maintenance
 Turnkey supply of small-medium sized systems  for homes and companies, construction of industrial plants with EPC partners.
The operational steps are the following:
- Setting up the yard and logistics management
- Works management and safety coordination
- Mechanical and electrical installation
- Testing
- Service and maintenance
- Monitoring of module efficiency through analysis with infrared camera
- Production Monitoring