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Environmental Studies

The Working Group of the Green Future Srl operates with interdisciplinary approach, using and enhancing the skills and experience of technical experts (engineers, ecologists, botanists, geologists, landscape architects) and also making use of other necessary expertise in the specific sector. The knowledge of the area, the relationship of knowledge and collaboration established with organizations professional and research institutions at national and regional level and the long association of the technical bodies of public authorities at various levels (Municipalities, Provinces and Region), are an important factor that determines the reliability and effectiveness of the work group.
The operating modes are characterized by frequent moments of comparison and verification of the quality of work.
Thanks to the experience gained in the following procedures:

- Checks subjection to Environmental Impact Assessments
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Environmental Implications Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Landscape relations
- Integrated Environmental Authorisations


It is therefore proposed:

PUBLIC BODY: technical advice to the government in order to create an Office E.I.A. to manage projects that require E.I.A. and studies for the environmental compliance.

PRIVATE BODY: support for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment and/or similar for accompany to the presentation of the project.

In support of the Environmental Analysis will also carry:
- Botanical and Studies and Consultationsns
- Agronomic Studies and Consultations
- Studies and Consultations on marine biotic communities
- Acoustic Impact Assessments
- Analysis Anemometric


In order to ensure a high quality of services we adopt the following modus operandi:

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